Saturday, June 1, 2013

Todays Workout - Simple

30-20-10 repetitions of Sandbag Thrusters and Pull Ups.

Men aim for a 30kg sandbag; women aim for 20kg.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Todays Workout - Get it Done Son!

Run 1km,
20 Sandbag Zercher Squats,
20 Sandbag Push Press,
20 Sandbag Shoulder Squats,
20 Sandbag Bent-over-rows,
20 Sandbag Back Squats,
Run 1km.

Record your time.

Choose a sandbag weight that challenges you.

Train hard!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New workout and get a free sandbag training book!

5 Sandbag Bear Hug Squats,
5 Chin Ups,
25 Push Ups.

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

Men aim for a bodyweight sandbag; women aim for 60% of bodyweight.

Record your score.

Train hard!

May Promotion

Get a free paperback copy of my book, The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training, with every purchase of our Special Edition Sandbag!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Todays Workout - It's Complex...

5 Sandbag Cleans,
5 Sandbag Push Press,
5 Sandbag Zercher Squats,
5 Sandbag Zercher Good Mornings.

Complete 5 rounds as quickly as you can - aim to complete each round without rest but you can rest as needed between rounds.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Todays Workout - Unarmed and Dangerous

10 Sandbag Zercher Squats,
5 Sandbag Shoulder Get Ups

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. Switch shoulders for the get ups between rounds.

Men aim for a 40kg sandbag; women aim for a 20kg sandbag.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Monday, April 1, 2013

An Alternative Approach To Exercise Prescription - Part 2

Are you interested in exercise programme design? Do you want to maximise results for yourself and/or your clients? My article series 'An Alternative Approach To Exercise Prescription' covers a range of different movement patterns with progressions and regressions and is ideal for fitness coaches, physiotherapists and anyone interested in improving their health and fitness.

The second part of my exercise prescription series in sportEX Dynamics Journal is accessible here:

Click to launch the full edition in a new window.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Special Offer!

If you don't yet have a copy of The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training then there's no better time to grab yourself a copy on Amazon. For the Easter weekend the Kindle version is a massive 80% off RRP! And don't worry if you don't have a Kindle, you can read it using Kindle Apps too.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Todays Workout - Run Forrest, Ruuunnn!

This workout is a tough conditioning challenge so be prepared to suck at it the first few times you give it a go.

Find a hill of approximately 50m. Put a sandbag that is around 25% of your bodyweight across your shoulders and run to the top of the hill as fast as you can. Walk back recovery to the start (or run if you're feeling brave) and repeat.

Aim to complete as many hill sprints as possible in 20 minutes.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Todays Workout - Dude, Where's Your Sandbag?!

The sandbag was ever so slightly frozen today (oh, the joys of training in an un-heated garage!) so it was bodyweight only.

5 Pull Ups,
10 Press Ups,
15 Squats,
100 Skips.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Todays Workout - Twist and Shout

10 Pull Ups (or variation),
20 Sandbag Overhead Press,
50 Sandbag Round-the-Worlds.

Complete 5 rounds as fast as possible.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sandbag Fitness On Breaking Muscle

Did you guys see my recent sandbag training series on the popular Breaking Muscle blog? If not, don't worry - you can check out all of the articles here:

5 Week Sandbag Workout Program: Week 1 - Get Started

5 Week Sandbag Workout Program: Week 2 - Building Strength

5 Week Sandbag Workout Program: Week 3 - Planes of Motion

And the good news? It's not finished yet! I have 2 more weeks to go so make sure you keep an eye on the blog.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New workout - The Triplet From Hell!

5 Heavy (seriously, as heavy as you can manage) Bear Hug Squats,
10 Pull Ups,
20 Push Ups.

5 rounds as quickly as possible.

Men and women should aim for a sandbag between 50-100% of their bodyweight.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Todays Workout - Two's Company (and also horrible)

10 Sandbag Thrusters,
5 Pull Ups.

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.

Men aim for a 40kg sandbag; women aim for 25kg.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Todays Workout - A Blast From The Past

This is a workout back from the 28th August 2010 (click here to see the original).

20-1 Sandbag Thrusters and Burpees.

Start by performing 20 Sandbag Thrusters then 20 Burpees. Then move onto 19 of each, then 18 etc.

The last round is 1 repetition of each.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Just Lift Some Heavy Shit And Shut Up

Take the heaviest sandbag you can handle (preferably without handles) and lift it from ground-to-overhead for 20 reps. If you get the loading right you should start to struggle around 5 or 6 reps and probably end up dumping the bag after some unsuccessful reps later on in the set.

Record the weight of your bag and the time it takes you to complete the 20 reps.

Men and women should aim for a bodyweight sandbag.

Train hard!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Todays Workout: Hug Me!

10 Heavy Sandbag Bear Hug Squats,
10 Pull Ups,
10 Heavy Sandbag Overhead Presses.

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

Men aim for a 60kg sandbag; women aim for 30kg.

Record your score.

Train hard!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Please Vote For Your Favourite Sandbag Blog!

I'd really appreciate your help.

Please take a moment to go and vote for me in the Breaking Muscle 2013 Fitness Blog Contest - it'll only take 1 minute and I'll love you forever. For real.

You just need to click on the link below an then enter 'Sandbag Fitness' in the comments field at the bottom. You can also add the URL of the blog.

Look how happy you'll make me if you vote

The Beginners Guide To Improving Your Health and Fitness

I originally wrote this post on Facebook but thought I'd share it here too as it had such a great response. I make no apologies for the fact that it's very straightforward.

The beginners guide to improving your health and fitness:

1. Lift some heavy stuff. As you get stronger, lift some heavier stuff.

2. Get comfortable lifting your own bodyweight. Work out increasingly cool ways to do this.

3. Move around. A lot. And every now and then do this like your life depended on it.

4. Eat a predominantly unprocessed diet. And don't eat too much.

5. Don't worry about small details. If you just do these things consistently then most of your questions will start to seem quite silly.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Todays Workout: Simple But Deadly

Todays workout is straightforward (so yes, you can try it) but can be as tough as you want it to be.

5 Pull Ups
10 Sandbag Thrusters

Complete as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes.

Men aim for a 35kg sandbag; women aim for 20kg.

Record your score. Click here for technique pointers

Train hard!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Todays Workout: Sandbag Strength Training

5 Heavy Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
5 Heavy Sandbag Overhead Press
20m Load Carry with a Heavy Sandbag

Rest for 2-4 minutes and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.

Men aim for a 50kg sandbag; women aim for a 30kg sandbag.

Record your max weight.

Train hard!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Todays Sandbag Fitness Workout

Another deceptively simple workout today.

100 Skips
20 Press Ups
5 Heavy Sandbag Bear Hug Squats

Complete 5 rounds as quickly as possible.

Men aim for a 50kg sandbag; women aim for 30kg.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Todays Sandbag Fitness Workout - Push and Pull Pairing

This is a simple and quick workout that'll test even the best conditioned athletes.

5 Pull Ups (or variation like Body Rows)
10 Sandbag Thrusters

10 rounds as fast as you can.

Men aim for a 20kg sandbag; women aim for 12.5kg.

Record your time.

Train hard!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

No Gym, No Equipment, No Worries!

It's been a little while since my last post due to the holidays but we're back today with a bang!

10 Sandbag Floor Press
5 Sandbag Get Ups (each side)
200m run

Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

Men should aim for a 30kg sandbag; women aim for 15kg.

Record your score.

Train hard!