Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Secret

A search in Google for 'health and fitness' gets you 919, 000, 000 results. No wonder people are, more often than not, left scratching their heads when it comes to improving their health. There is such a myriad of options and opinions that joe public finds it easier to just eat the cake and sit on his ass - and can he really be blamed?

My prescription for good health and fitness is pretty simple. It doesn't involve overly complicated dietary plans or programming. There isn't an in-depth manual on reps, sets, rest periods and weight ratios. In fact, it's pretty boring for most people to hear.

1. Eat un-processed food.

2. Move a lot. Preferably outdoors.

3. Lift heavy stuff (and yourself) on a regular basis.

4. Move really fast every now and then (sprint).

5. Repeat for the rest of your life.

That's it.

There is no secret but the one that you want to be told.