The Sandbag Back Squat is the squat variation that will allow you to lift the most weight - it is therefore a vital component for building strength. However, we also include Sandbag Front Squats, Sandbag Zercher Squats, Sandbag Shoulder Squats and Sandbag Bear Hug Squats in this programme for the other benefits they provide.
- The first challenge is to get the sandbag up onto your back - I normally Clean and Press it into position
- The sandbag should sit horizontally across your upper back - use your hands and traps to keep it in place
- Your feet should be at least shoulder width apart and slightly turned out
- Begin the movement by pushing your hips back into the squat
- Bend your knees and squat down so your knees are at least parallel with the crease in your hip
- Drive the hips back upwards and return to standing
- The chest should stay fairly high
- Feet should stay flat with the weight predominantly in the rear of the foot
- The knees can track forward but try to avoid them passing excessively in front of the toes
- The knees should remain in-line with the feet at all times - do not allow the knees to track inwards toward each other
All images and text taken from The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training (available on Kindle and All Other Formats)