My friend, and fellow coach, Al Kavadlo has recently released Raising The Bar - the definitive guide to bar callisthenics. Raising The Bar takes a systematic approach to developing great skill and ability in a range of upper body and core focused exercises. One of the best features of this book is the progressive way in which Al takes you from the base level version of each exercise all the way up to super-advanced things like One Arm Pull Ups!
Here's Al doing some very advanced stuff:
Chapters include:
- Pull Up or Shut Up
- Oh Dip!
- Hard Core Training
- Enter The Muscle Up
- Zen and The One Arm Pull Up
Ideal for anyone who wants to develop strength and agility, I can highly recommend it.
And there's an even better reason to pick up a copy - my next eBook release will contain some of the exercise variations in Raising The Bar so you need to get practicing!
Click on the book to find out more:
Train hard!