Milo of Croton was a Greek wrestler who lived in the 6th century BC. Famous for his immense strength, he once performed a feat where he lifted a young calf everyday. He did this until it reached maturity; then able to lift a fully grown bull.
The Sandbag Fitness Milo Experiment involves the following:
- Take a handleless sandbag or duffel bag and fill it with around 25% of your bodyweight in sand
- Perform a single lift from the ground-to-overhead, then add a small amount of sand (around 1kg)
- The following day, complete another single lift from the ground-to-overhead
- Repeat this process daily until you can no longer lift the sandbag overhead
The target is to lift a sandbag equal to your own bodyweight (or more!) overhead.
I think it's pretty easy to get bogged down in various systems, programmes and protocols so this is a nice, straightforward way to build strength through linear progression.
Since you are only completing a single lift each day you should be able to train as normal alongside this experiment.
Please feel free to add pictures, video or feedback to the comments below.
Train hard!